Audio Archive
Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court Justice, discusses his 1967 appointment.
Interview conducted in 1977. Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998 track 05
Interview conducted in 1977. Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998 track 05
Audio location:
School Desegregation Movement:
Brown vs. The Board Of Education
Former Arkansas Governor Orvil Faubus reflects on the crisis of Little Rock's integration in September 1957.
Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998 track 10
Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998 track 10
Audio location:
School Desegregation Movement:
Brown vs. The Board Of Education
Mario Savio, leader of the Free Speech movement at Berkeley, reflects on his experiences in Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964.
Interview conducted in 1985. Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998 track 03.
Interview conducted in 1985. Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998 track 03.
Audio location:
Mississippi Freedom Summer
Bobby Bowen discusses the impact of reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X.
Interview conducted in 1984.
Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998, track 08.
Stories from the Collection: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, CD, 1998, track 08.
Audio location:
Malcolm X